1 Track ID. All rows with the same ID belong to the same path.
2 xmin. The top left x-coordinate of the bounding box.
3 ymin. The top left y-coordinate of the bounding box.
4 xmax. The bottom right x-coordinate of the bounding box.
5 ymax. The bottom right y-coordinate of the bounding box.
6 frame. The frame that this annotation represents.
7 lost. If 1, the annotation is outside of the view screen.
8 occluded. If 1, the annotation is occluded.
9 generated. If 1, the annotation was automatically interpolated.
10 label. The label for this annotation, enclosed in quotation marks.
11+ attributes. Each column after this is an attribute.
王璐瑶 大连理工大学信通学院 联系方式:luyaow@mail.dlut.edu.cn